Saturday, January 2, 2010


I've decided, in the long tradition of new years insanity, to have a resolution of balance in my life. The major addition to my life to manifest this so called balance is to add some creativity to my days. I have this terrible habit of procrastination, which actually works quite well for me when it comes to school work and other time sensitive things (I do my best work under pressure). However, along with the fantastic skill of a procrastinator comes the unfortunate addition of guilt. When I am not doing school work (because there is always *something* I could be working on) I always feel guilty. This means that I can't do anything else because that would mean I was actually NOT doing the school work that I should be. I end up doing nothing, or close to nothing (terrible reality TV anyone?) Make sense?

Well, this silly cycle doesn't work for me anymore.

The first thing I've decided to do is to take photos every day. I quite enjoy the various blogs I read that have everyday pictures of people and their lives. In this vein, here is my photo for today.

I went to Costco today and along with buying a ridiculous amount of fabulous cheese I also bought this sweater. It is quiet purple, but certain friends tell me that I can pull it off.

One of the my creative passions that usually manages to survive the procrastination effect is knitting. I suspect this is because I can knit while watching terrible reality television, but never mind...I have been knitting quite a lot recently and have progressed to designing some small things. My yarn habit is strong and healthy (have you had your daily fiber today?). So, again, in the interest of creativity I am going to pay more attention to my knitting blog.
Check out my newest stuff ~here~
(Postscript to this; if you knit and do not know about, go there, right now!!)
I am sure I will come up with more ways to introduce more creativity into my life...I am hoping it will make me more productive all around.

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