Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today I discovered that Steven Spielburg and Peter Jackson are making a 3-D motion capture film version of Tintin...

You know what this means right? It means that....wait, WHAT?

Tintin people!!!
GOD!! Didn't you read Tintin? What was wrong with your childhood??? I am so sorry for you...

Remember, the boy who was always running around stopping espionage, foiling national thieves, and discovering Yeti's???
Oooh, and remeber Captain Haddock!!! hahaha!! Blistering Blue Barnacles!!! hahahahhahah!!
And Snowy...he always knew what was up, except when he was the one getting in trouble!!
And Professor Calculus (deaf most of the time), and Thompson & Thomson (haha, their HATS!!)
OMG, remember when they all went to the moon???

It means that my entire childhood portrayed on the big screen is now complete!!

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