Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reverb10: Day 11

Day #10: 11 Things What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (Author: Sam Davidson)

Gosh, eleven things...

1. Stress (haha)
2. An empty house on Pender. Rented by February=Less financial stress.
3. A legal husband. I need to have a legal ex-husband. Goal; official divorce before my 31st birthday. Last stings cut!!
4.That many clothes. Some of them need to leave my house.
5. Paper. Speaking of overburdened with stuff, I need to go through every single box of paper in this house and sort it all (15 years worth, ouch)
6. The merry-go-round repetitive negative thought parade.
7. Internal boy drama
8. Constraints and limitations (imposed by myself or others)
9. Drunken conversations with other scientists about anything other than science.
10. A messy house (I've noticed that I am calmer when the house is clean)
11. Stress (no, really, I mean this one)

This one was hard, and it made me realize that I actually don't often think about things that I need to get ride of. It is much more common for me to things that I want to bring into my life. This makes me happy. Perhaps I am less pessimistic about life than I thought...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so with you on numbers 6 and 7!! Sigh. Why can't I just be a nun?

About your last comment... I wonder if it's less about being positive vs pessimistic and more about this societal need for "more stuff"? I'm often thinking of what I need more of in my life and then realize... why do I need more than I already have? Will things really be any better than they already are when I have ____?

So maybe getting rid of stuff (be it mental/emotional, material or other) is actually the positive and NOT the pessimistic way of thought?