Friday, December 17, 2010

Reverb10: Day 13

Day #13: Action. When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step? (Author: Scott Belsky)

There are a couple of areas in my life that I feel will need action in the year to come to bring things to fruition.

Career: There are fews things for this one. I need to decide where I am going to grad school (probably UBC). Then I need to work on getting there. I am taking a year off from school, so I will have time to write the GRE and apply. I plan on working most of the next year. Save up some money to pay off some debt.
Creativity: Commitment. I have decided that it is time to put some commitment into my creativity. One way I am going to do this is by doing 365. This is a project where I take a self portrait every day for a whole year. The act of taking self portraits will not be challenging, but doing it for a whole year will be. I have a hard time doing anything beyond peeing every single day for a extended period of time.
I also want to do more knitting (both for others and myself) and to continue with my current obsession of sewing. I want to keep making my plush creatures, but it might be nice to make some clothes as well in the year to come.
Clear Out: I need some action to help clear out my life. I need to get ride off a bunch of stuff, which involves organization and probably lots of work. Clothes and paper are probably the biggest jobs...

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