Friday, December 17, 2010

Reverb10: Day 12

Day #12: Body Integration This year, when did you feel the most integrated with your body? Did you have a moment where there wasn’t mind and body, but simply a cohesive YOU, alive and present? (Author: Patrick Reynolds)

I think I often feel a cohesive me in this way. I spend a lot of time in my body (literally). I think it is pretty cool to be a physically manifested being and experience all the sensations that come with this. I think this was why I was born a Taurus. I also happen to think that is why I came to Earth in the first place.

This year I think I have felt most present in my body...
When doing physical exercise that has a purpose (like I am going somewhere) and where I have to push myself beyond some internal limit
While meditating or doing yoga (with my eyes closed)
When indulging myself on really good sweets and lounging around in bed with flannel sheets and hot water bottles

Seeing that written out feels really balanced to me :) I know people who are only able to find happiness with their physical self in one of those things; crazy over-exercisers (adrenaline much?), over-indulgers (dopamine!!! yipeee), or people who meditate so much they wouldn't know a embodied experience if it hit them on the ass (I sometimes wonder why these people came to Earth at all).

Side note; Decartes was an ass.

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